Happy 2020 & welcome back to blogging Andrea !

After a break of more than one year of blogging I finally get back to you. 2019 was an intensive year ! We have moved. Not only once but because it is so much “fun” twice ! The second time was in-house. Nevertheless, it is so exhausting that when I hear the word “move” in any form, I immediately show “move burnout symptoms” (hahaha).

Our family goal was and is to minimize our life, because we have new and interesting projects going on, which don’t allow us to spend too much time with “household&co”. Already after the first move the inspiring feeling of time has spread again. Before the big MOVE I spent a lot of time to keep up a rent payment, which was a great burden for me as a mother. Our AirBnB, which we offered at the Kreuzweg in our apartment, was a great and valuable experience. But it was also an emergency measure, because I could not realize my career goals I had set years ago and therefore I had to find a solution regarding rent until we found a new home, which was again within the bounds of our budget and which would fit in with our family (which is not easy in Grindelwald). The decision to minimize even more and to focus on future work projects was actually already made last spring. However, it is simply incredibly difficult to break with habits.

Now I have air again and I breathe it in and out with pleasure. Pumped up with all the oxygen I am looking forward to resume my Dognessblog and to tell regularly about our life with all these great dogs. Furthermore my Willow will be 10 years young next May and I want to write you much more about her and our way than I dared to do so far. Willow is the actual maker, founder of Dogness (hihi)…she knows that by the way.

I also want to tell you more about children and dogs, because what I was able to experience in the past 22 months is just unbelievably beautiful ! I would never have expected this, I would never have dared to imagine this relaxed family life with my two bullies as it is today. Of course Chrigl and I have worked on it but it was actually quite easy, no witchcraft, no science and you have to imagine that my whole family had the biggest concerns that Willow could harm Aari . I never thought so but I created boundaries on both sides (dog as well as baby/infant) from the beginning and now it just works…without words, completely natural and self-evident.

My lessons have become established. I look after brilliant human-dog teams of which I am incredibly proud ! They have all developed madly and go their way together. My favourite event is still the Dogness dog meeting ! I am looking forward to being on the road again with the group and to watch our dogs in their “doglike” dialogues. Again and again they show us humans that they are highly social and very fair beings (many times fairer and more social than us humans by the way). They skillfully hold the mirror in front of our face and every time (if we allow and accept it) we are a little bit closer to ourselves.

I think it is very important that we humans are willing to get closer to ourselves again. To look instead of looking away, to be friendly to ourselves and to all living beings and to the world in general, to be simply grateful !

2020 I dedicated to the mininalistic lifestyle and our move was just the beginning. My heartfelt desire to HAVE MORE BEING AND DOING is definitely a process and takes time. I’m really looking forward to this adventure and I’m sure I’ll tell you again how my career as a minimalist is going. By the way, dogs are also minimalists, they clearly think about what enhances their life and what doesn’t.

HAPPY 2020 and see you soon…Andrea&Co.